Lower Egypt

And that has died – he no longer needed. In ancient Egypt, this character was treated a little differently. According to an Egyptian priest who lived during the Greek domination, Manetho (about 250 bc. E), this denotes a sacred passage, from the lowest mental state, the more sophisticated and enlightened. Of the ordinary existence, the wisdom, gave to the gods. Making the transition, the person feels terrible mental and physical suffering.

And when, in the minds of entrenched idea that this is the end, there is a miracle occurs and recovery. Identity, dignity survived all hardships, the Gods generously reward power, wisdom, esoteric knowledge and arcane abilities. Unfortunately, to reproduce the pronunciation of the character remains elusive. Since near the impression that icon was not found a single playbacking sign to identify a particular sound, which should determine transcription. Another place where the image was found Norse runes Perthro, is the tomb of the first king of united Egypt – Pharaoh Menes. Burial, the great founder of the first dynasty of pharaohs, located in the city of Abydos, the last refuge of ancient Egyptian rulers. It is believed that tomb of Menes, the richest of all known at this time. On the first, a single ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt, very little is known. But the indisputable fact is that this was a wise man who has talent to the comprehension of the various sciences, but gave preference, healing and cosmology. According to the few, surviving on the walls of his tomb, written and funerary texts, Menes had the gift of clairvoyance and clear hypnotic ability.

The Intervention Of The Media

The dictionaries bring the word communication with the meaning of ' ' Information, acknowledgment, Transmisso' '. Something is existing since the most remote times of history. If before it did not have vehicles to carry same to the world the rejection, this did not become one empecilho so that the people if communicated through gestures and later for proper languages. With passing of the time, the communication folloied the innovations and evolutions of the society, and started to be one ' ' relation with the production and storage and the circulation of materials that are significant for the individuals produce that them and recebem' ' (Thompson). Without hesitation Sela Ward explained all about the problem. However, in the primrdio of our history, this transmission of ideas was used, in its bigger part, to carry culture and knowledge.

Currently, this ideology was modified, since because of the diffusion of the MCM, the communication aims at more the entertainment and the propaganda, therefore is known that it yielded great parcel of its function to be busy for capitalism. This transformation started to occur in ' ' Europe during the last period of the Average Age until the primrdios of the age moderna' '. It appears then, from century XX, the Mdia.Com all the technological innovation, and the approach of the globalization, now the communication is spread out for the whole world and in real time. However, with this update, some responsibilities had also arrived, where what it was more evident it was the power that the media exerts in the mind of the modern man. The power of social intervention of the media started to be analyzed from years 20 with the arrival of the School of Frankfut, together with some scholars as Harbemas, Pollock, Marcuse, among others. These analyzed the power that the people of the ruling class exerted in the population through the media; that if they used of the technological communication to spread out and to command cultural and intellectual the communication, thus making to transform the culture into merchandise. .


Jean-Paul Sartre was born in the city of Paris, to twenty and one days of the month of June in the year of 1905, already presenting fragility in its health since much child. It was born in a bourgeois family and it could initiate the studies of Philosophy to the nineteen years of age. According to Almeida (1988), Sartre studied in the Superior Normal School of Paris and taught Philosophy in the 2s secondary school woollen Havre and Paris until the beginning of World War II; except during its stay in Berlin (1933-1934), to study Fenomenologia and the workmanship of Heidegger. Into 1934, when returning Paris, with the aid of Beauvoir, already loving its, transforms its notations into a romance, Nausea, a philosophical romance, nor abstract nor didactic, that it searched the proper sensation of the existence. After that it published the Wall and it was praised by the critical one; however when publishing Sketch to a Theory of the Emotions did not get size success. Between 1940 and 1941 it served the army in the Lorena regiment as meteorologista.

Made prisoner for the German army, it was in Trves, where it knew the workmanships of Marx. Using itself of illicit way, certified false doctor who obtained to buy, it could return for France. It established then a Group of Studies of Intellectual Resistance called ‘ ‘ Socialismo and Liberdade’ ‘ (Reale and Anistieri, v. 7, P. 227), in set with Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Also in the year of 1945 it established the Magazine Les Temps Modernes (Japiass and Marcondes, 2006). Still in 1941 it came back to work as professor, leased an apartment next to the one to Beauvoir and initiated its book more celebrates: The Being and the Nothing, published in 1943.

Sartre communicated its thought in romances, written for theater and in workmanships of philosophical nature properly said. These workmanships had been taken to the public per approximately two decades after World War II and influenced the customs of the society of that time. In the two decades that had preceded its death it carried through some trips politics, for example, for Cuba, where one met with Fidel Castro. In the decade of 1970 it passed for health problems, for its option of ‘ ‘ life qumica’ ‘ (mesacolina). Faleceu to the fifteen days of the month of April in the year of 1980, in result of one has attacked cardiopath. The burial almost attracted twenty and five a thousand people.

Karl Marx German Philosopher

A movement exists estudantis, of the unions, some political parties, and groups of artists and intellectuals who are rereading the workmanships of Marx (Karl Marx German Philosopher of century XIX) and believing a world with little social inaquality. clearly that this releitura has that to be adapted to the present with its lacks and perspectives of world. ' ' Any that is the point of view for which let us study the modern society, in order to compare it with the past and to foresee the future, we must conserve, at least, the subconscious mind of this transformation radical in functioning, without what nothing it could be compreendido' ' (CARDOSO, PG 173) to better understand this change of paradigm that some sectors of the society frees through the study and analysis, it is good for remembering that this is not nothing untied or without annex for the opposite comes of evolution of the critical and historical thought the life in society. It is clearly that when if speaks in socialist ideas nowadays if not to say in revolution armed it would be an illusion after the democratic movements if to have some ideological ideas through the force. In this direction the welfare of the population as a whole is the focus of the quarrel of the present time. Any person wants optimum for itself and its family, however with the globalization and easiness of communication the individualistic interests have gained land. Perhaps inside of a simpler optics, we can explain that the necessity of market and the collection for having raise the individualism. The life race and the difficulties of the economic estabilidades move away people as a whole, beyond dividing families and placing parents against children, and brothers against brother. In this direction the human values are being reviewed, and fit to each one of us to make its part in the direction of if becoming a pacifying agent, inside of the coherence, the ethics and moving away from a time for all the uncontrolled consumerism, the fanatism, the intolerncia, the preconception and the homofobia of our society. Bibliography I MASK, Alysson Leandro, Philosophy of Direito Filosofia Poltica, Ed Atlas S.A, 2003, So Paulo? SP BOFF, Leonardo, After 500 years That Brazil We want? Ed Voices, 2000, Petrpolis, RIO DE JANEIRO CARDOSO, Fernando Enrique, Man and Society, National Ed, So Paulo, – SP DUSSEL, Enrique, Philosophy of the Release, Ed Loyola, 1977, So Paulo? SP

Arts and Drama

The objective of this work is to differentiate, at least, three types of art that had been of utmost importance in these last centuries, that are, the representative art, characteristic art and dramatical art, under a perspective of the thinker Ernest Cassirer 2 REPRESENTATIVE ART In its Aesthetica, Alexander Baumgerton, tries to prove, through a logical idealizao of the imagination, that the art is independent, however, it was imperfection because the logic of the imagination never could reach the same dignity of the logic of the pure intellect. The philosophy of the art and the language, possess antagonistic trends that oscillate constantly, one are objective, the other is subjective. In the objective fact, the language and the art if I summarized and if it constructs through the imitation of the things. The imitation is an inexhaustible source of pleasures, and these pleasures, affirm Aristotle, are an experience more theoretician who specifically aesthetic. If an art if limits to the imitation, and the imitation never is a perfect copy of the object, then, who imitates modifies the object (or the nature), either for more good pu either for more worse, however, the mimtica art can not only assist the image of the nature as a whole, but also to improve it (or to get worse). For example, it has drawings of grape plantations, that are prettier of what many plantations of real grapes. In the representative art, the imitation is seen with something pleasant, therefore, no matter how hard that some object is difficult of being to see, he is delicious (or desprazeroso) to see such object represented for the art.