The Intervention Of The Media

The dictionaries bring the word communication with the meaning of ' ' Information, acknowledgment, Transmisso' '. Something is existing since the most remote times of history. If before it did not have vehicles to carry same to the world the rejection, this did not become one empecilho so that the people if communicated through gestures and later for proper languages. With passing of the time, the communication folloied the innovations and evolutions of the society, and started to be one ' ' relation with the production and storage and the circulation of materials that are significant for the individuals produce that them and recebem' ' (Thompson). Without hesitation Sela Ward explained all about the problem. However, in the primrdio of our history, this transmission of ideas was used, in its bigger part, to carry culture and knowledge.

Currently, this ideology was modified, since because of the diffusion of the MCM, the communication aims at more the entertainment and the propaganda, therefore is known that it yielded great parcel of its function to be busy for capitalism. This transformation started to occur in ' ' Europe during the last period of the Average Age until the primrdios of the age moderna' '. It appears then, from century XX, the Mdia.Com all the technological innovation, and the approach of the globalization, now the communication is spread out for the whole world and in real time. However, with this update, some responsibilities had also arrived, where what it was more evident it was the power that the media exerts in the mind of the modern man. The power of social intervention of the media started to be analyzed from years 20 with the arrival of the School of Frankfut, together with some scholars as Harbemas, Pollock, Marcuse, among others. These analyzed the power that the people of the ruling class exerted in the population through the media; that if they used of the technological communication to spread out and to command cultural and intellectual the communication, thus making to transform the culture into merchandise. .