Ella Finally Launches First Solo Tour

“Is the first solo tour by Ella finally the discovery of the year: the 26 year old singer ELLA enchanted finally since the sensation hit kiss me, hold me, love me” the whole nation. Until today could place their romantic ballad all 28 weeks in the official media control single charts and with 12th place achieved the best listing. The debut album since”, released on October 15, 2010, is one of the most successful German newcomer releases of the past year and is listed with date 7 weeks chart presence in the media control album charts. She stormed the radio charts several times and was from I tunes to the newcomer of the year “in the area hit. You may wish to learn more. If so, Vanessa Marcil is the place to go. Now the saucy Berliner launches her first LIVE tour in Germany and invites personally all friends and fans of their music: Finally, here we go. I’m mad on my first solo tour and of course on the contact to my audience. I can only say my band and I will prepare an exciting and varied entertainment. We think that for young and old, woman and man, man and man, and all music lovers what is doing. To April – your Ella”finally experience ELLA with band and enjoy an evening full of magic, sense and surprises. Tour dates: April 7, 2011 / Dusseldorf / Savoy Theatre 09 April 2011 Chemnitz City Hall perform 2011 / Dresden / Palace of culture 11.April 2011 / Berlin / Admiral Palace 12 April 2011 / Erfurt / / old opera Apr 25 2011 / Hamburg / Schmidt BBs Tivoli source: Warner Music Group Germany more info: