Gloss Household Age

Care team informed Dolphin from Mannheim when the independent supply at the age that is no longer possible and it relies on to help, then that don’t end up in chaos. Then, the ambulatory care allows the preservation of an independent lifestyle. A part of the ambulatory care includes the domestic supply. This relieves the need of care as well as the members. The Mannheim nursing team Dolphin acquainted with the tasks of an individual and targeted domestic supply and accepts this for you with cordiality and considering your needs. The hauswirtschaftlich supply includes essentially all domestic help services in the environment of care.

In addition to the basic care is part of the social security code (SGB) XI. Make you all feel, provide the following services: shopping Shopping planning is fully adopted by the care service. Food, cleaning and hygiene products are purchased for everyday needs, in consultation with our customers. Special Wishes and of course the available financial resources are always taken into account. Food preparation first, an employee in close cooperation with the care recipient creates a nutrition plan. This of course respected individual needs and adapt to the circumstances. All meals are prepared by our nursing staff according to hygienic rules and at their convenience.

Purity in the closet for fresh and fragrant laundry is taken care of as well. These include the divide and sort of textiles, washing, hanging and of course ironing. Shine in all rooms for polished floors, crystal clear Windows and blank polished furniture and appliances is taken care of as well. The Mannheim nursing team Dolphin available for comprehensive information about its services in the field of domestic supply available. Press contact care team Dolphin contact person: Sabine Bartsch under troubles Lau Road 79 68169 Mannheim phone: 0621 43728211 fax: 0621 43728212 mobile: 0163 6227692 email: Homepage: