
How to prepare your child for kindergarten? The first team to life: adaptation rules … Period adjusting to kindergarten – not the easiest in the baby's life and his mother. You probably worry about how your child is there, and he the first time will be greatly missed by her mother. Do not worry – things will get better with time. The choice – in favor of the kindergarten.

So you've decided to place a child in kindergarten. Your family is now on the threshold of another life. We will assume that you already found a suitable kindergarten and agreed to the admission of the baby. Now turn to the next important step – the adaptation of your baby. In order to adapt to the child was less painful, it is important to advance – a month for 3 – 4 – to do self-training a child to kindergarten. Tell your child what a kindergarten, why children go there, why do you want your kid went to kindergarten.

For example: 'Kindergarten – it's such a big house with a beautiful garden, where moms and dads bring their children. You really like it: there are many other kids who do everything together – eat, play, walk. Instead, I will be there with you, Aunt teacher, which will be take care of you, as well as for other babies. In kindergarten a lot of toys, there is a wonderful playground, you can play with other children in various games, etc '. Another option: "In kindergarten children are playing with each other and together eat. I really want to go to work, because to me it's interesting. And I want you to go to kindergarten – because you like it there. In the morning I'll take you to the garden and take away the evening. You tell me that you had an interesting in kindergarten, and I will tell you that I happened one day at work.