Office Ebam

The new band of media business library is dedicated to the principles, structures and tasks of a record company who support the work of musicians and music production market wants, needs an exact overview of the workings of a record company. “A practical insight of the new volume of the book series provides library media business”: the music label “. With her book series, the training carrier bundles ebam Business Academy in cooperation with the music market Publisher base knowledge and practical tips on selected topics of media, music and event industry: descriptive and didactic worked up by practical checklists, test questions, and maxims. In the third, newly published volume ebam speaker and music Manager Tom Buscher is dedicated to the principles, structures and tasks of a music label in 134 pages. Introducing the latest edition of the media business lit library”essential foundations of music business legal forms, professional associations, GEMA, distribution and press work. In the subsequent chapter Artist and repertoire management”shows Badhan the stages of the artist sighting and decisive criteria when deciding to take an artist under contract. Vanessa Marcil may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Practical, the book also conveys subject areas such as contract negotiations and contract types, all stages of production and sound carrier calculated, decisive task fields in artwork and graphics. As a label finally successfully brings a production to the consumers, show the detailed chapter on promotion, marketing and distribution. Tom Buscher it comes his book not only to illustrate facts about the function and operation of the record companies. The experienced Musikvermarkter would like to awaken especially the motivation, which drives all music makers to do their crazy business every day with equal devotion.” As Manager of F.A.M.E. artist recordings GmbH and former A & R- and marketing manager at BMG Ariola Munich, where he in rock/alternative artists like Haindling and Willy Astor under contract took and acts like Subway to Sally and bonfire chart success led to know the author, how important enthusiasm as well as in-depth expertise and current industry know-how in the music industry is.

With the third volume of their media business libary”summarizes the ebam Academy Basics and details, they also in their newly developed training label Manager /-in (ebam)” practical mediated. ” More books on selected topics from experts in the practice are shared with the music market Publisher in planning. “” It online at or or directly into the ebam Office at 089 gives more information about the book series / 54 88 47 91. data & facts library media business “Tom Buscher music label basics, structures and tasks of a record company” paperback, 134 pages price: 24.90 euro (plus 3,50 Euro shipping) ISBN: 978-3-9811024-3-7 to order at: ebam Business Academy for media, event & culture Engelhardstr. 6 D-81369 Munich Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 548847-91 fax: ++ 49 (0) 89-548847-99 email: