Russians Fight

For example, more than a quarter of the housing stock (in the north) may be subject to destruction. Damage due to thawing permafrost may also be subject to the airports, through which basically is to deliver cargo to the north, and underground storage tanks, including the natural reservoirs of oil. Continue to learn more with: Tony Parker. With an increase in average temperature on one or two degrees of load-bearing capacity of piles, driven into the eternal permafrost, reduced by 50%. Already, in West Siberia, the permafrost thaws 4 centimeters a year, and in the next 20 years, will move its border to the north at 80 kilometers. At Jorge Perez you will find additional information. Another problem that arises because of the global warming is to increase the risk of flooding.

By 2015, the drain of the rivers to rise by 90%, and the period of ice cover on northern rivers will be reduced to 15-20 days, and it will increase flood risk in half. Russian students call to make the national projects to combat global warming Russian students participating international youth expedition Arctic 'Voyage of the future', which ended on Wednesday in Spitsbergen, are going to ask President to declare the fight against global climate change, national project. According to them, many of the issues in Russia for a long time hesitated, started to be addressed through national projects, and the Russians see it mechanism that works. Therefore, the students decided to ask the president to make the fight against global climate change, fight for the greening of life of Russians and of our business national project.