Theatre Tickets

Our website contains the full poster of the majority of Moscow theaters, such as Lena, Theater of Satire, MAT Chekhov, contemporary and many others. For every show we give a complete description of the action happening on stage and you can book tickets to favorite theater directly from the site. Reviews will help viewers sort out the repertoire, and new items will show first-run season. Tickets we offer the best to the viewer to the full to enjoy the show, the center of the orchestra and the front ranks of the amphitheater is a place that is always available for the most demanding customers. Order theater tickets from us and you forget about the problems of finding good locations and lines at the box office. Our phone: 663-91-08 Academic Theater Vakhtangov predyubileyny open the 89th season premiere of Chekhov's 'Uncle Vanya' directed by artistic director Rimas Tuminas Wednesday. 'Uncle Vanya' is especially needed in our time of cynicism and disbelief – said Tuminas the collection company on Tuesday.

– 'Uncle Vanya' – a man full of purity and goodness, a man who intended to protect us, help us not become embittered, to be generous, attentive to people, be able to forgive. " One of the main prime this season will be Lermontov's "Masquerade." This performance Tuminas set in 1997 in the Lithuanian theater, and now at the stage of the Vakhtangov. 'Lermontov like Chekhov – this is my song. I want to talk about beauty and love, which I believe, and the older I get, the more I want to talk about love "- said Tuminas. The new season will be directed by Yury Butusov put 'Peer Gynt' by Henrik Ibsen. 'Lermontov, Chekhov, Ibsen – it's the authors who deserve this scene' – he said.

The plans for the theater this season – two productions of works by the French. This is the play 'The wind rustles the poplars' Gerald Sibleyrasa and 'Contract' Francis Weber, 'Dad' the popular films "Toy ',' papa ',' unlucky 'and others. Literally from the first day of the new season in the theater begin to restore the legendary play 'Turandot'. Rehearsals will be held laboratory by the method of the master class' – the master of the theater, such as Julia Borisova, Yuri Yakovlev, Vasily Lanoviy, Vyacheslav Shalevich 'hands',' word of mouth 'will send his knowledge and experience to young vahtangovtsam.

Show People

"Aksakals" do not want to miss the young competitors to such a delicious pie big musical showbiz third reason is due to the presence in our everyday music and song unloved space works, in my view, is the monopolization of a small group of activists from the culture of rights of admission to public and most popular media information ("let go – do not let go"). The fact that there is a well-defined, relatively small group of people who create the musical environment in which dwells the average listener. Larry Culp is often quoted as being for or against this. Representatives of this group often are themselves the "veterans" of show business, music, song creation. Once they managed to break into the top, it took its place. But now the "elders" do not want to miss the young competitors to such a tasty big pie in show business.

They advertise, promote on the air and spins in the first place themselves and their proteges – for profit. Most of these people deserves to occupy a position, they are talented and in due time made a great contribution to cultural development. But with age, and emotions often fade into the mass (there are exceptions) the product of veterans often become less vivid than in his youth. The man is weak – and he does not want to admit that he has aged, and even more so that his talent waned. It's not their fault – but their misfortune. But this situation also affects the quality of air filling the new music and songs. People do not like the new product until they are persuaded, that it is a beautiful, romantic, melodic and fourth, the last component on which to dwell.

We are not educate, we train our beautiful mass audience. According to GN Casson, "People do not buy what they want as long as they are not so satisfied. " With respect to music we can say that people do not like the new product until they are persuaded that it is a beautiful, romantic, melodic. And since none of the professionals in public this does not explain, does not raise people's awareness to a high level, the people, by contrast, try on the music for his own, often far away from the notion of beauty standards. So, we have identified four main reasons why do not we listen to what we love: 1. Walking, for the sake of quick profits, in the wake of the mass audience, the show business tycoon without a measure of air fed jaded "hits" that may be, and good, but because of the constant presence on the air beginning to annoy. 2. We have not been established an effective system of selection, training and promotion of young talent, first and foremost, songwriters, composers, poets and arrangers. And so we have listen mainly to music and songs of those who have had the opportunity to learn and unwind. 3. The monopolization of a small group of activists from the culture of rights of admission to public and most popular media used them primarily for profit through promotion of himself and his protege. 4. Insufficient level of education, teaching our beautiful mass audience that does not lead to a tightening at this level until understanding of beauty, but its sinking to the elementary primitive reflexes. Thanks, that was me. ————————————————– ————————————–

Output Piano

Exams and concerts take place in concert halls to present concert grand piano. Just so musicians can hear the future his game in this "live" sound, which I have already mentioned. In my own music school students playing the piano in the exams at the end of each quarter, plus a mandatory dress rehearsal in the concert hall before each performance. Best students participated in numerous concerts and had the opportunity to play on stage much more often. And in order to play the piano, takes some effort when you press the keys, which do not train on a lightweight keyboard synthesizer, as an effort by pressing the keys synthesizer is less than when playing on an acoustic piano or piano. Obtain the output third: the synthesizer is not suitable for children entering the music school. Therefore, for students music schools, as well as for training of professional musicians, producers of electronic keyboard instruments have developed a special kind of electronic keyboard instruments – digital piano.

Their key difference from synthesizer – a complete imitation of hammer mechanism with the software exactly the same force when pressing the keys as if playing on an acoustic piano or piano. In any case, explain what Hammer mechanism. The principle of the piano is that when you press a button, you actually push a little hammer that strikes the taut strings inside and get the desired sound. Of course, that this hammer push, you need a little more effort than simply pressing a button, which is essentially a key synthesizer.

Musical Accompaniment

At a time when movies are released every month in an amount such that the consumer is no longer in force to remember all the names, producers are trying to attract attention to his film: a) well-known actor b) the large budget and respectively cool special effects), good music will talk just about music – Soundtrack. In general, the soundtrack is one of three means: 1. Sound recording accompanying any video (movies, cartoons, TV programs, computer games, etc.) 2. Music taken from the video (item 1) 3. Genre of music. Such musical accompaniment are of various kinds and, accordingly, are called in different ways: OST, score soundtrack (Russian counterpart – soundtrack). They differ in that: OST – abbreviation Original Soundtrack (Original Soundtrack) may include both original music composers (composed specially for the film), as well as popular songs, were heard in the film, but written not for him. Boxing champion contains valuable tech resources. A good example – OST from the movie Fast and Furious 4: 01 – Rye Rye – Bang (feat.

MIA) 03:33 02 – Busta Rhymes – G-Stro 03:42 03 – Kenna – Loose Wires 03:47 04 – Pitbull – Blanco (feat . Pharrell) 03:22 05 – Pitbull – Krazy (feat. Lil Jon) 03:53 06 – Pitbull – You Slip, She Grip 03:13 (feat. Tego Calderon) 07 – Shark City Click – Head Bust 03:56 08 – Pitbull – Bad Girls (feat. Robin Thicke) 04:04 09 – Don Omar – Virtual Diva 04:01 10 – Tasha – La Isla Bonita 03:46 11 – Pitbull – Blanco (feat. Pharrell) 03:22 (Spanish Version -Bonus Track) Score – music (usually instrumental) written composer for the film. Commercial considerations are not always original music is published separately, so many movies come out only OST-albums.

Score-albums, as opposed to OST'ov not contain third-party music material. Example – Fast and Furious 4 but in the embodiment Score: 01. Landtrain 02. Fast And Furious 03. The Border 04. Letty 05. The Tunnel 06. Amends 07. Dom Vs. Brian 08. Hanging With Dom 09. Suite 10. Revenge 11. Accelerator 12. Vaya Con Dios 13. In The Name Of The Father 14. Outta Sight 15. Brian And Mia 16. Tracer 17. Letty's Cell Phone 18. Real Drivers 19. Fate 20. The Exchange 21. No Goodbyes 22. Vengeance 23. Memorial 24. The Showdown 25. Judgment Score in turn is Promo Score, Academy Promo Score, Expanded Score, Complete Score, Temp Score, Rejected Score, Music Inspired by the Film – but these do not need regular listener and mostly designed for those who create the movie. The most popular soundtracks from movies. The popularity of the soundtrack is directly dependent on the popularity of the film. To date, most in demand from film soundtracks 1) Slumdog Millionaire 2) Hannah Montana 3) Twilight In second place are soundtracks from cartoons and anime. There are in demand soundtracks from Disney cartoons such as the old one) Aladdin 2) Belle and the Beast 3) The Little Mermaid From today's cartoon: 1) Kung Fu Panda 2) Alvin and the Chipmunks in the anime: 1) Diary of the death of 2) Evangelion Third place – soundtracks from different movies – collections of VA. The least popular soundtracks of the games – this is due to the fact that the games are much less likely to be found a good OCT. But there are good soundtracks in games. Example – Guitar Hero World Tour Soundtrack, where you can listen to Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica and other rock stars.

The Film As A Gift: “The Failure Of Poirot

Title of the film's failure Original title Poirot Poirot Failure Who can give to friends, relatives, lovers of Russian films and TV series, fans of detective stories on the feast day which grandparents, Day Russian cinema, literature, Day, professional holidays Choosing a gift for older relatives can sometimes become a real problem. It's not even that passion, we often cousins, uncles know worse hobby than their parents. Just a few years of joint celebrations have so much time to each other Nadaraya, there is a danger to begin to repeat. About it, gesticulating violently, and I tried to explain to a friend. Go to movie star for more information. The problem was serious: coming professional holiday of her mother, a lawyer's Day, on which the family decided to give gifts. Traditionally, they are related to either work or a hobby.

And with that – the problem. The future hero of the occasion dearly loves detectives (rare, they often upset or laugh professionals), but her daughter does not understand them. For even more analysis, hear from Jorge Perez. Remember which of the books my mother already has it can not and I, out of habit, I suggest she think about the films. Contrary to expectation The idea came to her friend like, and we started for the selection of pictures. Popular film adaptation of the classic detective shallows we immediately decided that something more unusual podyschem. To some extent so it happened: the gift was purchased Russian mini-series "The failure of Poirot," was released to television screens in 2002. What is unusual? In the first place in a small movie and celebrity casting.

Gennady Zdanowicz

After the collapse of the Soviet Union became a major brand Arch Southern Urals and the breeding ground for all sorts of speculation about healing of body and soul of the Russian people. The accusation of “harmful fictions that works like a drug,” was immediately supported by the sentiment of the “value of the Russian idea.” Version II … with the advent of market relations Arch immediately tried to assess. In the country towns the crowd rushed the political profiteers and charlatans.

Together with the ancient city there began intensive excavation of the Russian idea and a great discovery began Zdanovich exchange for minor political sensation. This does not fail to take advantage neo-fascists. As a result, many serious scholars have questioned the authenticity of Arkaim, its antiquity and the very fact of its existence. Arch narrowly escaped destruction during the Soviet era, Now he is in danger again. Arch perish under the weight of pseudo-historical theories, and the world turns out to be easier to give up the opening, which will change the idea of humanity’s own history than to agree that this discovery took place in Russia .* Visiting the studio Gennady Zdanowicz, thus, a priori, was a terribly unfavorable role of the person who has to prove his innocence of the accused, who did not make it impossible to justify.

Novgorod Structures

Some of them have been destroyed during World War II and later rebuilt, but, unfortunately, not all. Novgorod structures differ, on the one hand, strict, restraint proportions, on the other, – the presence of decorative parts, exterior frescoes on the facade, concha. Considerable church is built and in Pskov. Here, as well as Porkhov, Yam, Koporye, nuts and fortified erected structures, a kind of stone castles. Many were built in the XV century Novgorod. It was then when the archbishop Euphemia (second quarter – the middle of the century) appeared in the Kremlin Palace of the Facets, chasozvonya, two-story palace of the lords. Even earlier (1302) began to build Detinets – a stone fortress, whose walls were rebuilt several times later until the end of the century, when Novgorod already entered one of Moscow's possessions. There were also stone home-wards for the boyars (including – the house of Martha, the Governor's Wife, wife of I.

Boretsky). Novgorod, Moscow and other builders often built on old patterns, such as the XII century. At the same time sought to emphasize the Novgorod customers and preserve the "old and duty" of the city and land, Moscow proceeded from the idea of an all-Russian unity, certainly in this case – under the leadership of his sovereign. The most outstanding achievement of Russian architecture of the turn of XV-XVI century. was the erection of buildings of the Kremlin. The old, dilapidated buildings replaced by new, it's – the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals, church, pillar of Ivan the Great.

Bam Guitar Teacher Required

If you really want to be By a great guitarist, By reach that goal much sooner with a good teacher. Now imagine semiiklassnika claiming that he was not going to go to school longer, because it thinks he's learned everything there is to know in life. Sounds ridiculous, does not it? It's funny, but exactly the same attitude are many guitarists in music. I should note that if Basha goal is to play some simple songs in campfire, Basha need for teacher is not necessary. Those who want to achieve a higher level of music and guitar skills than your current one, this is for you. Most of us can think that some good players have never studied music or guitar with a teacher, and yet he / she still looks good results attained for himself.

Many people look at like this guitar and think, 'Hey, if that person has made for himself the result, why can not I? " This is a legitimate question, of course, and By can explore some of the things themselves, without an instructor. But why risk doing it yourself, if most cases it does not work when you can find By the teacher who will work with Bami? Most people who choose not to work with the teacher also: They have significant financial problems (which make fee for guitar lessons impossible). Do not care enough about their own musical progress, and not interested in investing time and money in yourself. Just do not realize how great a teacher can help the student in implement more than one purpose.

North Caucasus State Institute

According Oybermana, he learned a lot from him while working on an improved model shikapshiny them. Before going into manufacturing tools, Vladimir Grigorievich prepared appropriate scientific base, thoroughly studied the design, other features of the preserved specimens. Exploring the ancient monuments of musical culture, he made several important discoveries related to their existence, the specifics of the game to them and so on. Thus, the elongation, the elongation of the body of musical instruments of the North Caucasus, or that they have the legs instrumentoved explained the nature of the game to them. Artists played music while sitting on a low stool or on the ground, because the tools were required to have a foothold in the land. And here, for example, Russian bowed instruments – short, as played by They stood, holding the weight. The first of the hands of the master came Adyghe shikapshina. Since then, V.

Oyberman recreated 25 species of tools of the North Caucasus and in the first place, Kabardin and Balkar. And if today in Nalchik National Instruments is widely portrayed, it is due to Vladimir G.. He actually laid the foundation for our professional teams – the Adygei theater music "Bzhamy" National Orchestra tools, Kabardino-Balkar school culture and art "Shikapshina." At the musicians are playing dance ensemble "Kabardinka", "Balkar", "Nalmes" students in the department of folk instruments of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts and Adyghe State University, not to mention the residents of children's music schools. Tools made by hand Oybermana become a boon to many art groups Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and South Ossetia.

The Artist

I think it is not art, and a thirst for glory, who wants to get in any way. In the soul of these people have nothing but a complex of inferiority and resentment toward those who can create something beautiful. This resentment expressed by destruction of beauty created by others. I have something not seen any of the artist who created a unique painting or sculpture, and then publicly destroy her. It can not destroy the true artist creates works because it is the same as to kill his own child. Of course it happens that the artist is obscure almost finished now, but this process works, the creation process.

If he is not happy with what he gets, he has the right to alter it. The process works and is to create beautiful, therefore it requires constant changes to the figure in painting and sculpture. But when the product is ready, the artist can not destroy it. True true artist usually all the same it is dissatisfied with that done, he always thinks he could have done better, and it is this sense of always forcing the artist to create new works and at the same time "sharpen" their skills. If you no longer feel a sense of dissatisfaction with his works, if you begin to feel that your best work and begin to admire them – this means that you are dying artist. Of course this does not mean that every artist is always dissatisfied with what he does.