Theatre Tickets

Our website contains the full poster of the majority of Moscow theaters, such as Lena, Theater of Satire, MAT Chekhov, contemporary and many others. For every show we give a complete description of the action happening on stage and you can book tickets to favorite theater directly from the site. Reviews will help viewers sort out the repertoire, and new items will show first-run season. Tickets we offer the best to the viewer to the full to enjoy the show, the center of the orchestra and the front ranks of the amphitheater is a place that is always available for the most demanding customers. Order theater tickets from us and you forget about the problems of finding good locations and lines at the box office. Our phone: 663-91-08 Academic Theater Vakhtangov predyubileyny open the 89th season premiere of Chekhov's 'Uncle Vanya' directed by artistic director Rimas Tuminas Wednesday. 'Uncle Vanya' is especially needed in our time of cynicism and disbelief – said Tuminas the collection company on Tuesday.

– 'Uncle Vanya' – a man full of purity and goodness, a man who intended to protect us, help us not become embittered, to be generous, attentive to people, be able to forgive. " One of the main prime this season will be Lermontov's "Masquerade." This performance Tuminas set in 1997 in the Lithuanian theater, and now at the stage of the Vakhtangov. 'Lermontov like Chekhov – this is my song. I want to talk about beauty and love, which I believe, and the older I get, the more I want to talk about love "- said Tuminas. The new season will be directed by Yury Butusov put 'Peer Gynt' by Henrik Ibsen. 'Lermontov, Chekhov, Ibsen – it's the authors who deserve this scene' – he said.

The plans for the theater this season – two productions of works by the French. This is the play 'The wind rustles the poplars' Gerald Sibleyrasa and 'Contract' Francis Weber, 'Dad' the popular films "Toy ',' papa ',' unlucky 'and others. Literally from the first day of the new season in the theater begin to restore the legendary play 'Turandot'. Rehearsals will be held laboratory by the method of the master class' – the master of the theater, such as Julia Borisova, Yuri Yakovlev, Vasily Lanoviy, Vyacheslav Shalevich 'hands',' word of mouth 'will send his knowledge and experience to young vahtangovtsam.