The Loro Park In Tenerife

The Loro Park in Tenerife is the main tourist attraction who once makes holiday on the Canary Island of Tenerife on the Canary Islands in addition to the Teide National Park, should absolutely taking a detour to the world famous Loro Park. Ben Bretzman is likely to increase your knowledge. The Park is located west of Puerto de la Cruz in the North of the island, and bus trips are offered by each tour operator in the hotels. “The Loro Park was opened in the 1970s as the parrots Park, hence the name of Loro” in Spanish parrot “. Today, the park covers an area of approximately 135,000 m and houses not only parrots, but a variety of animals that can be seen in three levels in the Park. You decide yourself for a bus tour is you conveniently picked up at the hotel and brought directly to the entrance of the Park.

The opening hours are from 08:30 until 18:45 daily (all year). If you are travelling with their own car or rent a car, should enter the Park until 16:00, then no admittance is allowed any longer. The ticket prices are for adult 30,00, for children aged 6 to 11, 19, and small children up to 5 years have free entry. At the entrance to the Park, every visitor receives an orientation map, and the current time for the beginning of the various animal shows. Most popular attractions are the shows of dolphins, Orcas (killer whales), sea lions and parrots. The dates are set so that you have opportunity to visit all the shows in one day.

Has it got a supposedly good place in the front ranks of the show plants, it could be however very humid”. The dolphins, Orcas and sea lions are so trained that they spray the crowd with associated water quantities at cute tricks pudelnass. Interesting information about the different animals in each language are displayed on large electronic boards.