Antisocial Parties

so long, we choose these antisocial parties, the thing is probably very simple, only a few people would want to hunt hygienic reasons, even rats, at Hartz4, the thing looks different recipients. You have been made financially so flat, because of disgust and hygiene factor is still limited, because with them, the emergency has meanwhile domestically established. Hartz4 recipient would have to do it well, if they are financially better want to make something. However, so that we the Hartz4 receiver even further into the gutter. We are thus about untouchables to make them, as in the Indian caste system. Alone the thought of FDP politician shows us how degenerate we already are. I deliberately write “we”, because these people are after all elected by the German people and they will be voted on, until we have understood that this country, with this choice behavior, not really progress. The fact is: the SPD and the Greens have paved the way to Hartz4, CDU, CSU and the FDP want Hartz4 tighten up on the one way or another and so long, we choose these antisocial parties, we are are confronted with new ideas. When some implement it then also an entirely wacky idea into action. So go Hartz4 receiver, nice not to choose, or if you do, then diligently the parties choose top, that brought you. You did after all always so.