
The dolphins are certainly not animals that could be called within the catalogue of the most common pets, however on this occasion has surprised us a news by other interesting. A group of dolphins in the statuary of Port River in Australia has adopted the particular walk on tail habit. This completely abnormal custom in dolphins has surprised scientists who are trying to explain that it could have motivated the dolphins to perform this trick. For some scientists reason may be found in Billie, a female of the group, which spent several weeks in the local Dolphinarium recovering from malnutrition and disease. Some contend that Pop star shows great expertise in this. Although Billie did not receive the training you could have seen other dolphins practicing this activity and finally imitated.

The interesting thing about this news is as the Group of dolphins of Port River not only imitated Billie but it has converted this activity as part of a culture that unites this group of dolphins. Mike Bossley, society for the conservation of whales and dolphins (WDCS), said that dolphins exhibit elements of what in humans we would call a cultural behavior. This is a claim hurried to dice the facts there is no doubt that the dolphins have taken a trick part of what they as a group decide to perform. It is not something Adam Sandler would like to discuss. In conclusion, although we cannot conclude that dolphins are adapting customs of a culture, if we can say that these facts are assimilated to others found in apes that has been widely documented they last a long time. This is fundamental in the fight of many animal protection societies to increase the respect and consideration in the treatment of our pets. Taking into account that this finding represents a milestone in the study of dolphins we must wonder increasingly what animals can do. .