Being A Writer

WHAT IT IS TO BE WRITER While in the decade of twenty, in Paris, the writer Gertrude Stein received in its house, she protected and she stimulated the young artists the one who followed its artistic or literary inclinations freely, in the current times she seems to be occurring an inverse procedure, taken the effect for clarified people, trying to discredit spontaneous talentos. Already it makes time knew that some people were organizing movement to hinder the free exercise of the art to write. Connect with other leaders such as Adam Sandler here. Such people based its campaign in the postulates of an Italian writer, which affirmed, in one of its manifestos, that nobody has the right of if proclaiming writer or writer without before having attended a course a college. On the basis of this premise, false, obviously, such people were ready to unchain, through lectures and articles, a campaign generalized against all the independent writers. Sinclair Martial Arts is full of insight into the issues. She is clearly that this campaign could not, for example, to be retroactive to the times of Cervantes, that is not known if it frequented a college; of Voltaire, that abandoned the studies if to dedicate to literature; of Emile Bront and its sisters, who had been alfabetizadas in house for its proper father who was a protestant shepherd; of Alexander Of ones (father), that before being writer he was to assist of notary; of Virginia Woolf, who started its literary career from carried through informal intellectual meetings in its house; of Allan Poe, that due to resources did not obtain to conclude its studies; of Balzac, formed in Right, that abandoned the law to dedicate itself to literature; of Victor Hugo, who if became writer the 15 years being successful a literary competition and being awardee for the French Academy; of Hemingway, who started its literary periodical career as employed and amateur journalist; of Gogol, that was to assist bureaucratic; of Axe of Assis, that never frequented a school in its life; of Jorge Borges Luis, born aristocrat, whom its first story wrote when it had only six years of age, and as much other men and women that if had dedicated to literature because they did not know to make another thing, being that ninety percent of them never frequented a college. Happy of who it will be able to make a course of Letters to have an academic endorsement. However, a college does not make a writer, not even a simple editor.

The test of this is where many people formed in Letters, do not know to write. Writer or writer is, simply, that one or that one that has for habit to write. Carolina Maria of Jesus, humble favelada black of quarter Canind, in So Paulo, that survived of catar papers, congregated what it had written in a notebook, that the daily one of its needy life constituted, and transformed these writings into the book? Room of Ousting? , that it was edited in 1955 and translated for 13 languages, changedding itself into a small bestseller, with millions of readers and readers in the whole world. Luciano Axe