Munich Deutsche

The kareng doctor Birgit Thompson helps Waldbrunn (Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis), January 16, 2009 – more and more Germans are concerned about their pension – law: today, it is clear that the level of performance the legal supply is no longer. “Young people be painful loss”, says Birgit Thompson, Agency Manager of the Deutsche Vermogensberatung in Waldbrunn in the Odenwald. Therefore, in addition to the statutory pension insurance, the private savings bond will play an increasingly important role. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Angus King on most websites. In times must be where the State reform social security systems and whose Leistungen limit, every citizen is challenged to provide more than previously private. The goal-oriented planning of assets and the successful wealth accumulation of the individual are possible only with expert advice. It is easy to save according to the motto of the German asset management “remember earlier later” at a young age for a retirement.

Depending on the financial situation, even small amounts can a decent private pension in addition to the legal result. For example, A 20-year-old pays 50 euro per month and receives additional by the 60th year of life at a private pension of about 1,000 euros per month. So, the so-called “corner”retired today gross receives after 45 years just around 1,000 euros per month, to improve his pension and receive the standard of living. According to polls, 90 percent of the Germans about the need for a private old-age provision are aware though, but 64 per cent feel informed not sufficiently aware of the possibilities. About one-third of all citizens have done yet nothing for the private “pension pillar”, half provides private in not sufficient. “In the private old-age provision, personal counselling is essential. The investors can choose between numerous insurance policies by several hundred insurance companies and thousands in Germany approved mutual funds. There are the best mutual funds, nor the best insurance, she falls Decision often difficult”so Birgit Thompson.

It’s painstaking, long-term planning, where the personal situation of the individual should be taken into account. Many people know, for example, not all possibilities of State aid in the formation of the asset or the risks of certain types of investment. To safely navigate around all these “cliffs”, there is more diverse and detailed knowledge of legal social system, private insurance and old-age provision. Birgit Thompson belongs to the network of more than 30,000 well-trained consultants of Deutsche Asset Management and keeping regular contact with the customer. Within the framework of a competent advice tailored to the personal needs, it helps to increase and secure their customers to make fortune. “I am so to speak as a general practitioner in financial matters, which thoroughly checks everything out with a holistic view and comes upon request also in the House – at any time, even in the evenings or on weekends”, as Birgit Thompson. The German Asset management cooperates with various insurance companies such as the Aachen and Munich insurance group or central health insurance. Banks and building societies such as the Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia and Deutsche Bank are also partners such as various investment companies. In all, the mediated financial products are subject to State supervision. The Deutsche Vermogensberatung headquartered in Frankfurt am Main is the market leader for over 30 years as the largest independent financial sales. Currently, the five million customers receive advice and supervised nationwide by over 2,000 directorates and offices.