Production Hand Guitarist

Good day, dear readers! Today, my article on how to learn to play guitar without having any musical education, nor even any initial information about how to do it. On the Internet There are countless Web sites and portals for guitarists, where you can download a variety of school sports, chords, tablature, and so on. But what if you do not know how to read tablature, and generally how to keep the hands of a guitar? In this article I would like to highlight the following points: 1. Landing guitarist 2. Statement of the hands. What should be the landing of a guitarist? Of course, planting should be such that does not deliver discomfort during the game: your fingers can easily and quickly navigate through the neck. For this to happen, one leg above the other, so that it can be convenient to put a guitar.

Some put it to his legs. What is uncomfortable? The fact that, firstly, in this case have little to support the guitar with his hands, and secondly, could cause discomfort in the legs during the game. It is best to still use any stand under the left leg (Do not blame me for being too academic, but still, in the classic landing there is a lot of good) – in this case, you can generally find a position the guitar, which she herself will stand on your feet, and it will not have to hold, plus there will be no negative feelings. Need to keep your back straight. Now a bit about setting the hands. Here and below, I will parse the statement of hands on playing acoustic guitar with your fingers (as article is addressed to those who are doing this only the first steps). The right hand should be free, without stress, the body lying on the guitar.

Slightly curved downwards at the wrist wrist rests his fingers on the strings. If a game will occur voltage, then there is an error in setting the hands, and they must be eliminated. In the arrangement of the left hand, there are two options: classic and more modern setting. The classical statement is as follows: arm hanging down perpendicular to the neck, the thumb is approximately the middle of the neck, the fingers slightly bent and pressed against the string is perpendicular to the front surface of the neck. Traditionally, the classical formulation is more convenient in terms of speed of movement of the hands of the neck and jump from string to string. Modern production is more common and is characterized in that the thumb of “peeps” from above the neck, with the hand not hanging down, as in classic. Such a formulation is more convenient in cases where the play had to stand at a concert. I recommend to combine one and another kind of setting for maximum comfort while playing. Also need to make sure that when you play the left hand are not strained. Following these recommendations, you will learn more deliberate play on the guitar and learning the game will be much nicer. Do not stop there, move more!